More Student Paintings

About Tim Gabel


Photos II

New Art Lights


Some Old Prose

My student's landscape/color mixing paintings

More student paintings from my class

Student Paintings Page Three


This page is a continuation of a selection of my student's paintings from semester six (my third year teaching the class) at the Sitar Center. Semester six class was co-taught by Mark Dassoulas and Amber Anderson and myself. Semester seven painting class was co-taught by Monique Faggans and semester eight class was co-taught by Caroline Barton. These co-teachers were and are invaluable to the class success as well as the students acheivements. The students worked diligently and they truly expressed themselves in a very mature manner.
As on the previous page, all works on this site are copyright 2010 by my students at the Sitar Center. You may not download, copy, share or in any manner reproduce any artwork from this site.

Jennifer (Age 12)
Sixth Semester Class
This is her second painting
in my class

Jasmine (Age 16)
Sixth Semester Class
This is her second
painting in my class

Antarah (Age 16)
Sixth Semester Class
This is his second painting
in my class

DanieI (Age 11)
Sixth Semester Class
This is his second painting
in my class

Diane (Adult)
Sixth Semester Class
This is her sixth painting
in my class

Angel (Age 15)
Sixth Semester Class
This is his sixth painting
in my class

Tina (Adult)
Sixth Semester Class
This is her sixth painting
in my class

Ibe (Adult)
Sixth Semester Class
This is her second painting
in my class

Herani (Age 10)
Sixth Semester Class
This is her FIRST painting EVER!

Alem (Age 13)
Seventh Semester Class
This is her FIRST Painting EVER!

Ghelatia (Age 10)
Seventh Semester Class
This is her FIRST Painting EVER!

Stephanie (Adult)
Seventh Semester Class
This is her FIRST Painting EVER!

Alena (Adult)
Seventh Semester Class
This is her third painting
in my class

Jasmine (Age 17)
Seventh Semester Class
This is her third painting
in my class

Herani (Age 11)
Seventh Semester Class
This is her second painting
in my class

Semret (Adult)
Seventh Semester Class
This is her FIRST Painting EVER!

Daniel (Age 11)
Seventh Semester Class
This is his third painting
in my class

Tina (Adult)
Seventh Semester Class
This is her seventh painting
in my class

Addis (Adult)
Eighth Semester Class
This is her first painting EVER!

Mekonene (Adult)
Eighth Semester Class
This is his first painting EVER!

Penda (Adult)
Eighth Semester Class
This is her first painting EVER!

Sabrina (Age 13)
Eighth Semester Class
This is her second painting
in my class

Ghelatia (Age 11)
Eighth Semester Class
This is her second painting
in my class

Daniel (Age 12)
Eighth Semester Class
This is his fourth painting
in my class

Semret (Adult)
Eighth Semester Class
This is her second painting
in my class

Daniel (Age 15)
Eighth Semester Class
This is his seventh painting
in my class

Omar (Age 14)
Eighth Semester Class
This is his first painting EVER!

Isabel (Adult)
Eighth Semester Class
This is her fifth painting
in my class

Judith (Adult)
Eighth Semester Class
This is her first painting EVER!

Tina (Adult)
Eighth Semester Class
This is her eighth painting
in my class

