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About Tim Gabel


Photos II

New Art Lights


Some Old Prose

My student's landscape/color mixing paintings

More student paintings from my class

Student Paintings Page Three

This is a webspace for my photos, collages and other artwork, and now includes a selection of my students paintings. I hope you'll enjoy browsing around my site. Click on the page titles to the left to see what I have been doing lately and in the past.

Thanks for visiting, I hope it is an enjoyable experience.

All photos and art are copyright 2010 and belong to Tim Gabel. Explicit written permission is required to copy, download or reproduce any art, photos, prose or any of my student's artwork from this site.


The photo above was taken in Rock Creek Park on a recent bicycle ride.

Update: 10/28/2010 Added photo above. started posting my first paintings I have completed since high school. I finally decided to start painting in the spring of this year and have completed 11 landscapes, mostly from my photos... I am giving them all to my siblings and will continue to paint... I love it and hope you enjoy the coming months when I post my works here... I will make a page eventually but for now will post them one at a time.

1/23/2010 Third Student Paintings Page added, semester nine show will be on display at the Sitar Center Gallery for a month, starting 1/19/2010. I had to remove some other pages to make room for the painting class.

6/10/09 Student Paintings added on More Student Paintings Page from eighth semester Color Mixing/Landscape Painting Class at the Sitar Center

10/26/09 Added a photo from a fall bike ride in Rock Creek Park.

6/9/08 Student Paintings from Sixth Semester Painting Class... Check them out!

1/15/08 Finished Student Color Mixing/Landscape Paintings Page.

9/30/07 Layout of a collage from another old photo on Photos II Page.

6/14/05 New Art Lights page. Most of these were done in the spring and over the winter months in 2005. Most are made from paper mache.

6/7/04 Prose Page. Thought I'd express myself more fully and share some of my prose from years past.

10/7/01    Collages and put in some new page titles.

10/3/01   Recent photos of my vacations to Arizona, Alaska, Florida and Colorado to the Photographs page.

Thanks for visiting!
This page will include any recent artwork or images I have created and will keep you informed of any updates or changes to my webspace.

Correspond with me at: TimGabel@Hotmail.Com


My 10th Painting!
Tri-Colored Heron, Florida
Painted Summer 2010



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